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He was born in the heart of God during one of the trips of the Apostle Ricardo.  The Lord told him I want you to make a tour of Mexico, the United States, Colombia and Guatemala during the year 2016.

He replied Lord I will do what you ask me. The Lord unleashed a grace on his life and he began to receive unexpected calls and invitations from ministries asking for help in the prophetic area.  


The Apostle Ricardo believes that the Lord is blowing a prophetic wind that will cause the  empowerment of the Kingdom of God be activated in families, congregations, cities, and nations. It will be a time of empowerment and advancement of God's purposes.


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Apostle Ricardo Herrera and his wife, Prophet Alejandra Herrera have been serving full time for 20 years.


Ricardo Herrera, is a leader with a strong emphasis on lifting  families filled with the Holy Spirit so that they can fulfill God's purposes in their lives, he has been called by God as a prophetic apostle.  He is the founder of the Casa de Dios International Church based in Santa Maria CA, expanding to other cities in the USA and Mexico.

He is also the founder of the Prophetic Empowerment ministry, and director of the radio program "Tiempos de Gloria".


The apostle Ricardo along with his wife the prophet Alejandra, have traveled extensively training and training thousands of people in how to hear the voice of God and how to flow in the prophetic ministry since 1997, also training in the raising of apostolic and prophetic churches.


They have a strong passion and calling to equip a prophetic generation that can be raised up to become God's army that will mobilize to establish God's rule in the nations.


The prophet Alejandra travels with her husband, the apostle Ricardo Herrera, teaching in  women's conferences on  the  spiritual war.  She too  broadcasts his radio program directed at women "The Value that is in you".


Apostle Ricardo received a commission from the Lord to make a prophetic tour called "Prophetic Empowerment" Activating your Prophetic Purpose, with the purpose of identifying apostles and prophets and activating the call in their lives to mobilize God's plans in the church.


Reach the different regions, cities and Churches to be able to identify the callings and spiritual gifts and thus activate them through the Apostolic and Prophetic anointing, through teaching, prophetic impartation, and laying on of hands.


We believe that through the prophetic many people will be able to enter their callings. Just as great men and women of God were activated in their ministries through the impartation of prophets and laying on of hands.


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